• Results for
    • narita
  • (40)
New Years Holiday worshippers crowd to enter Narita San TempleNarita
New Years Holiday worshippers crowd to enter Narita San Temple Narita
Narita San Temple. New Years Holiday worshippers crowd the front court of the temple with the pagoda and traditional gate of pine  bamboo and bundled rice straw behind Narita
Narita San Temple. New Years Holiday worshippers crowd the front court of the temple with the pagoda and traditional gate of pine bamboo and bundled rice straw behind Narita
Narita San Temple. New Years Holiday worshippers buying Buddhist charmsNarita
Narita San Temple. New Years Holiday worshippers buying Buddhist charms Narita
Narita San Temple. New Years good luck rakes on saleNarita
Narita San Temple. New Years good luck rakes on sale Narita