Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, Red Fern Leaf Peony, Paeonia tenuifolia, growing in garden with rocks, gravel and bluebells.
Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus, fledged chick with catchlight in eye about to leave nest in old gnarled Elm tree for the first time.
Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus, with catchlight in eye on old gnarled Elm tree.
Canada, Alberta, Del Bonita, Fracking for oils and gas on the edge of the Baaken play.
Canada, Alberta, Del Bonita, Fracking near a water source for tight shale oil and gas on the edge of the Bakken play. Ensign Energy of Calgary drilling rig, water storage tanks and road tanker. The wa...
Canada, Alberta, Del Bonita, Christmas tree atop a capped off oil well on the edge of the Baaken play with line of the Rocky Mountains on the horizon.
Canada, Alberta, Milk River Ridge, Oil pump jack or nodding donkeyand storage tank on the edge of the Baaken play near the Montana, USA border.
Canada, Alberta, Milk River Ridge, Oil pump jack or nodding donkey on the edge of the Baaken play, Flare tower at right.
Canada, Alberta, Milk River, Old wooden grain silos or elevators still in use, Large sign announcing Family Doctors Needed for this small town near the USA border.
Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, A bare-shouldered young blonde Canadian girl sits to have the word CANADA painted on her face at Canada Day celebrations at Henderson Park, Face painter in a red T shirt h...
Canada, Alberta, Tyrrell Lake, Black-necked Stilt bird, Himantopus mexicanus, with catchlight in eye and reflection in the water, Black and white feathers, pink legs.
Canada, Alberta, Lethbridge, Three Blood Tribe members holding protest signs at anti-fracking demonstration. Map of Blood Reserve showing oil company concessions to Bowood Energy Ltd and Murphy Oil Co...