Bakau Market Atlantic Road. View of Serekundas main city street lined with open fronted shops and roadside stalls beneath sun umbrellas people and vehicles. SerecundaSerekuntaSerecuntaSerekuda...
Bakau Market Atlantic Road. Main city road lined with street stalls beneath sun umbrellas and open fronted shops with people and cars. SerecundaSerekuntaSerecuntaSerekudaAfricanAutomobiles Au...
Bakau Market Atlantic Road. Busy city street lined with stalls beneath colourful striped sun umbrellas. Crowds of people traffic and shop fronts open to the street. SerecundaSe...
Bakau Market Atlantic Road. Busy market scene with crowds of people and roadside stalls beneath colourful striped sun umbrellas. SerecundaSerekuntaSerecuntaSerekudaAfricanColorful Gambian Wes...
Bakau Market Atlantic Road. Busy market scene with women selling fruit and vegetables. SerecundaSerekuntaSerecuntaSerekudaAfricanFemale Woman Girl Lady Gambian Western Africa
Bakau Market Atlantic Road. Busy market scene with women selling fruit and vegetables. Woman in foreground carrying box on her head.SerecundaSerekuntaSerecuntaSerekudaAfrican Female Woman Girl...