Haiti, Isla de Laganave, Medical aid being transported in large trucks.
Rotting sacks of food aid not distributed due to war in South Sudan.waste spoiled undelivered Africa African Eastern Africa Kenyan North Africa Sudanese
Loading French food aid of wheat flour onto truck for distribution from Mogadishu port.African Cereal Grain Crop Eastern Africa Lorry Somalian Soomaliya Van
Distant view towards UN relief convoy of World Food Programme trucks on high Asmara - Massawa road.United Nations WFP African Eastern Africa Ertra Mits iwa
People displaced by civil war queue for UN food aid.United Nations World Food Programme
People displaced by civil war attempting to recover cooking oil spilt in queue for UN food aid.United Nations World Food Programme
WFP rice distribution to farmers affected by flooding.World Food Programme Aid
Mother and child at feeding centre for displaced people run by World Vision Aid charity.refugee Center African Eastern Africa Kids Mozambiquean Mum Children
Displaced people receiving EEC maize monitered by Action Aid.refugee African Eastern Africa Kids Mozambiquean
Children sharing bowl at feeding centre for displaced people run by World Vision Aid charity.refugee relationships Center
Collecting water at well sunk by International Voluntary Service.IVS aid