A young male Indian orphan sits in a tree in a cobra-infested piece of farmland. branchbranchesfeetlegspoor
A sunglass-seller displays his wares on a tourist beach in southern India. Kerela Kovalum
A young Indian female orphan stands on a rock in a cobra-infested piece of farmland.
A 23-year-old engineering student and part-time sea-shell seller offers his wares on a tourist beach in southern India. On December 26th 2004 he was hit by the Indian Ocean Tsunami and survived by swi...
South Indian fishermen return to beach-casting 5 weeks after the Indian Ocean Tsunami that hit the coast on 26th December 2004.fishingfishing linefishing linescoastline
The remains of a house destroyed by the Indian Ocean Tsunami lie on the beachfront at Nagapattinam.natural disaster
An elderly sea-shell seller returns to work 5 weeks after the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit Auroville Beach on December 26th 2004.starfishshells
Houses heavily damaged by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26th December 2004.natural disasterfishing boats
A government-led clean-up operation takes place on Auroville beach approximately one month after the Indian Ocean Tsunami hit the south Indian coastline on December 26th 2004.firebonfiresmokeworke...
Statues torn away from a nearby Hindu temple by the Indian Ocean Tsunami are relocated onto the beach by local villagers in order to ward off further destruction.statuesgodsgoddessesbrokensmashed...
Government office destroyed by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26th December 2004.natural disaster
A fishing village lies destroyed by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 26th 2004.destructionsmashedcoastlinenatural disaster