• Results for
    • david langfield
  • (8)
Strutting cockerel scratching in yard.
Strutting cockerel scratching in yard.
Western lowland gorilla in captivity in Chessington zoo looking through bars of cage.
Western lowland gorilla in captivity in Chessington zoo looking through bars of cage.
Jersey . St Ouens Bay. Elderly man jogging on sandy beach
Jersey . St Ouens Bay. Elderly man jogging on sandy beach
Frozen lake on the Canadian Tundra. Ice balls are formed as the water slowly freezes.
Frozen lake on the Canadian Tundra. Ice balls are formed as the water slowly freezes.
Electrical discharge through rare gasses contained in a glass sphere
Electrical discharge through rare gasses contained in a glass sphere
Polar Bear  ursus maritimus  walking on snow at Hudson bay near Churchill Canada
Polar Bear ursus maritimus walking on snow at Hudson bay near Churchill Canada
Polar Bear  ursus maritimus  lying on its back in a kelp bed on the shore of Hudson bay near Churchill Canada
Polar Bear ursus maritimus lying on its back in a kelp bed on the shore of Hudson bay near Churchill Canada
Tundra bus tourists walking in Polar Bear country
Tundra bus tourists walking in Polar Bear country