• Results for
    • Re build natural habitats
  • (5)
China, Sichuan, Gongxian County, Landscape with reforestation project area.
China, Sichuan, Gongxian County, Landscape with reforestation project area.
Environment, Reforestation, Replanting of trees in deforested area.  Young saplings in protective tubing growing in area of deciduous trees.
Environment, Reforestation, Replanting of trees in deforested area. Young saplings in protective tubing growing in area of deciduous trees.
Ecuador, Woman with eucalyptus saplings to be used in reforestation project near Cuenca.
Ecuador, Woman with eucalyptus saplings to be used in reforestation project near Cuenca.
Ethiopia, Harerge, Jijiga, Schoolboy planting tree within protective circle of sticks.
Ethiopia, Harerge, Jijiga, Schoolboy planting tree within protective circle of sticks.
Ethiopia, Workers in Oxfam plant nursery with juniper seedlings used for timber and land reclaimation.
Ethiopia, Workers in Oxfam plant nursery with juniper seedlings used for timber and land reclaimation.