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    • ruins
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Ruins of ancient city founded by colony of Greeks of Thera c. 630 BC before becoming a seat of Roman government.
Ruins of ancient city founded by colony of Greeks of Thera c. 630 BC before becoming a seat of Roman government.
Ruins of 6th Century AD Byzantine church.
Ruins of 6th Century AD Byzantine church.
Ruins of 6th Century AD Byzantine church.
Ruins of 6th Century AD Byzantine church.
Mayan ruins dating from 600 to 900 AD.  Temple of the sun with tourist couple at foot of flight of steps to entrance.
Mayan ruins dating from 600 to 900 AD. Temple of the sun with tourist couple at foot of flight of steps to entrance.
The A Bomb Dome ruins at the epicentre of the explosion
The A Bomb Dome ruins at the epicentre of the explosion
Cliff Palace the preserved ruins and cave houses beneath rock face. Visitors walk through site of walls and towers with circular foundations leading to deeper caves.
Cliff Palace the preserved ruins and cave houses beneath rock face. Visitors walk through site of walls and towers with circular foundations leading to deeper caves.
Cliff Palace the preserved ruins and cave houses beneath rock face. Visitors walk through site of walls and towers with circular foundations leading to deeper caves.
Cliff Palace the preserved ruins and cave houses beneath rock face. Visitors walk through site of walls and towers with circular foundations leading to deeper caves.
Roman ruins of the entrance to the Capitol Temples
Roman ruins of the entrance to the Capitol Temples
Ruins of 9th or 10th Century Monastery in the Shannon Valley
Ruins of 9th or 10th Century Monastery in the Shannon Valley
Ruins of 11th Century Castle in the Shannon Valley
Ruins of 11th Century Castle in the Shannon Valley
Celtic High Cross in Abbey Ruins in the Shannon Valley
Celtic High Cross in Abbey Ruins in the Shannon Valley
genral view of ruins
genral view of ruins