Turkey, Aydin Province, Sirince, Shallow wooden crates of chilies and mushrooms drying in late afternoon summer sunshine on tiled rooftops of house in the old town.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Sirince, Brightly coloured chilies laid out to dry in late afternoon summer sun on tiled rooftops of house in the old town.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red and orange chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sun on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine with sweetcorn growing behind, on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red and orange chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine with sweetcorn growing behind, on the road from Selcuk to Sirince
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince with large gourd partly seen in foreground and...
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red and orange chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red chilies hanging up to dry in late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince with large gourd in foreground.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red chilies hanging up to dry in the late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Selcuk, Strings of brightly coloured red and orange chilies hanging up to drying in late afternoon sunshine on the road from Selcuk to Sirince.
Turkey, Aydin Province, Sirince, Strings of brightly coloured chilies hanging up to dry from roof of house in late afternoon summer sunshine in old town.