Israel, Jerusalem, The Damascus Gate on the north side of the Old City. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls - UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Israel, Jerusalem, The Damascus Gate on the north side of the Old City. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls - UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Israel, Jerusalem, The Damascus Gate on the north side of the Old City. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls - UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Israel, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, The Eastern Gate, the Golden Gate or the Gate of Mercy of the Old City with the Temple Mount or al-Haram ash-Sharif behind it. In front is a Muslim cemetery. The Ol...
Israel, Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, The Eastern Gate, the Golden Gate or the Gate of Mercy of the Old City with the Temple Mount or al-Haram ash-Sharif behind it. In front is a Muslim cemetery. The Ol...
Israel, Jerusalem, The Jaffa Gate on the west wall of the Old City. Behind is the Citadel or the Tower of David. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Israel, Jerusalem, The rampart over the Damascus Gate in the Old City. The Damascus Gate is one of three gates through the north wall of the Old City. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls is a UNES...
Israel, Jerusalem, A rooftop view of the Christian Quarter in the Old City. In the foreground is the golden dome of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint John the Baptist, with the Tower of Phasael in th...
Israel, Jerusalem, The minaret of the Mosque of Omar, located next to the courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the Old City. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Wall...
Israel, Jerusalem, The entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem contains the Stone of Annointing. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls is a...
Israel, Jerusalem, The entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem contains the Stone of Annointing. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls is a...
Israel, Jerusalem, The entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem contains the Stone of Annointing. The Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls is a...