Hunter with red karajuru / facial paint wooden ear plug and white glass bead necklace carrying coca powder pouch with bone pipe Ð coca sustains whilst hunting. Hard macana wood bow and quiver of...
Headman lights a breo resinous torch in centre of the maloca / longhouse.Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Center Colombian Kids South America Vuapes Columbia...
Girl prepares clay oven for baking casabe yucca flour into Tukano daily bread Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America Vuapes Columbia Hispa...
Boys bring a newly hewn and shaped canoe out of the forest for burning process by the river.Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America Vuapes Columb...
Man warps open and stretches the sides of the canoe with wedges during the burning process.Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America Vuapes Columbi...
Boys playing panpipes at dusk in entrance to maloca / longhouse. One sits on an elders stool other lies in a cumare / fibre hammockIndigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon Amer...
Man applies karajuru / facial paint before he goes huntingIndigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America Vuapes Columbia Hispanic Indegent Latin Ameri...
Man fishing with macana wood bow and bamboo arrow in rio PiraparanaIndigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America Vuapes Columbia Hispanic Indegent La...
Portrait of Marco a hunter with red karajuru facial paint wooden ear-plug and strings of precious white and pale blue glass beads traded throughout Amazonia Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana Nor...
Tukano deity NI Ð the river God engraved hundreds of years ago on this very hard granite boulder in the rio PiraparanaIndigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Colombian South America...
Boy playing the carizu / panpipes at the maloca s river port on the rio PiraparanaTukano / Makuna Indigenous Tribes rio Piraparana North West Amazonia Amazon American Colombian South America...
Young boy playing panpipes outside maloca prior to a festival. Painted with deep purple we leaf dye and wearing crown of red macaw and yellow toucan feathersTukano / Makuna Indigenous Tribes ri...