Italy, Lazio, Rome, Centro Storico, Via Giulia, Fontana dei Mascherone.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Inn river with colourful modern houses and the snow clad Tyrolean Alps on the other side of the river.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, colourful Art Nouveau townhouse facade.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Altstadt, colourful street architecture with the Servitenkirche or Servite Church and snow covered mountains in the background.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Altstadt, The Triumphal Arch or Triumphpforte dating from 1765 framing the Servitenkirche or Servite Church.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Altstadt, The Triumphal Arch or Triumphpforte dating from 1765 framing the Servitenkirche or Servite Church.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, another colourful streetscape in the Altstadt.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Annasaule or St Anne's Column on Maria Theresien Strase dating from 1706, detail showing from left St Cassian, St George and St Vigilius with snow covered mountains in the b...
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Annasaule or St Anne's Column on Maria Theresien Strase dating from 1706 with snow covered mountains in the background.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Altstadt, Helbling House or Helblinghaus, detail of facade with Rococo stucco decorations dating from 1732.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, Dome of the Dom zu St Jakob or Cathedral of St James rising above the Hofburg Imperial Palace.
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, The Goldenes Dachl or Golden Roof is a landmark structure located in the Old Town section of Innsbruck which was completed in 1500, the roof was decorated with 2,657 fire-gi...
Austria, Tyrol, Innsbruck, The Goldenes Dachl or Golden Roof is a landmark structure located in the Old Town section of Innsbruck which was completed in 1500, the roof was decorated with 2,657 fire-gi...