• Results for
    • athanasios papadopoulos
  • (377)
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens  tiered formal gardens with pathways  palms and cypress trees with central shrine and city beyond.sanctuarypilgimagesacredreligionmonothesistic f...
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens tiered formal gardens with pathways palms and cypress trees with central shrine and city beyond. sanctuary pilgimage sacred religion monothesistic f...
Zionism Avenue.  View of Haifas city and port from the Bahai Gardens with blue flowers on slope in foreground.BahaiBaha UluBahaullahplants Isra el Israeli Middle East Yisra el
Zionism Avenue. View of Haifas city and port from the Bahai Gardens with blue flowers on slope in foreground. Bahai Baha Ulu Bahaullah plants Isra el Israeli Middle East Yisra el
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens built as memorial to founders of the Bah ai faith.  Formal layout of flowerbeds and pathways with cypress trees  central domed shrine and city beyond....
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens built as memorial to founders of the Bah ai faith. Formal layout of flowerbeds and pathways with cypress trees central domed shrine and city beyond....
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens.  Formal layout of flowerbeds and pathways with domed shrine and cypress trees and sea beyond.sanctuarypilgimagesacredreligionmonothesistic faith...
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens. Formal layout of flowerbeds and pathways with domed shrine and cypress trees and sea beyond. sanctuary pilgimage sacred religion monothesistic faith...
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai gardens built as memorial to founders of the Baha i faith.  Colonnaded balcony in foreground with view across tiered gardens stretching out beyond.sanctuarypilgimages...
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai gardens built as memorial to founders of the Baha i faith. Colonnaded balcony in foreground with view across tiered gardens stretching out beyond. sanctuary pilgimage s...
Zionism Avenue.  Eagle sculpture set in flower bed of scarlet plants at the Bahai gardens with view over tiered gardens stretching away beyond.sanctuarypilgimagesacredreligionmonothesistic faith...
Zionism Avenue. Eagle sculpture set in flower bed of scarlet plants at the Bahai gardens with view over tiered gardens stretching away beyond. sanctuary pilgimage sacred religion monothesistic faith...
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens built as a memorial to the founders of the Baha i faith.  Formal flower beds  paths and cypress trees with domed shrine.sanctuarypilgrimagesacredr...
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens built as a memorial to the founders of the Baha i faith. Formal flower beds paths and cypress trees with domed shrine. sanctuary pilgrimage sacred r...
Zionism Avenue.  View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens designed as a memorial to the founder of the Baha i faith.  Tiered gardens and pathways with palms and cypress trees  central domed shrine and city be...
Zionism Avenue. View of Bahai Shrine and Gardens designed as a memorial to the founder of the Baha i faith. Tiered gardens and pathways with palms and cypress trees central domed shrine and city be...
Portrait of elderly  male Hindu beggar with grey beard and painted forehead outside the Jagdish Temple. cultureethnicethnicityraceracialSilver CitybeliefbelieverfollowerHoly Manfacial expre...
Portrait of elderly male Hindu beggar with grey beard and painted forehead outside the Jagdish Temple. culture ethnic ethnicity race racial Silver City belief believer follower Holy Man facial expre...
Elevated view across flat rooftops of blue painted houses of the Brahmin neighbourhood from Meherangarh Fort.BrahmanismPriestcastebuildingsculturecolourcolorAsia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiy...
Elevated view across flat rooftops of blue painted houses of the Brahmin neighbourhood from Meherangarh Fort. Brahmanism Priest caste buildings culture colour color Asia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiy...
Meherangarh Fort.  Head and shoulders portrait of a smiling Indian man with long  grey beard wearing red  yellow and orange turban.racecolourscolorsexpressioncharacter Asia Asian Bharat Gray Happ...
Meherangarh Fort. Head and shoulders portrait of a smiling Indian man with long grey beard wearing red yellow and orange turban. race colours colors expression character Asia Asian Bharat Gray Happ...
Portrait of a young Indian girl at Meherangarh Fort wearing nose ring and chain and traditional bead jewelery and black kohl eyeliner.jewellerydecorationculturecosmeticsbeautymake uppiercingAs...
Portrait of a young Indian girl at Meherangarh Fort wearing nose ring and chain and traditional bead jewelery and black kohl eyeliner. jewellery decoration culture cosmetics beauty make up piercing As...