USA, New York, Montauk,The menu of the Shagwong Restaurant gives the Recession and Depression special.
Pythagorio. Menu on chalkboard on waterfront in English with typical blue Greek island decor.AegeanGreek IslandsPithagorion Pythagorioncoast coastalseaSummerpackageholidayresortvacationtri...
Road to Hisaronu cafe A-boards advertising full English breakfast menu with Turkish Lira price also advertising for televised sport.Fethiyeformerly Telmessosformerly modern Greek MakriAegeanTur...
Bittles Bar brick exterior facade A-board advertising menu and beer barrels at side with the Albert Memorial Clock Tower seen beyond.BŽal Feirste Eire European Inn Irish Northern Europe Pub Republi...
Asakusa. Young Japanese couple standing outside a restaurant looking at the plastic food representing the menu displayed in the windowmodern lifeculturelifestyleselectionselectdecisiondecidec...
Arles. Le Cafe La Nuit Place du Forum. Four young women seated at a table reading a menu.
Tsukiji Fish Market with chef standing beside seafood menu board