• Results for
    • workers
  • (342)
View over busy workers in open air laundrydhobi Asia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiya  dhobi Asia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiya
View over busy workers in open air laundry dhobi Asia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiya dhobi Asia Asian Bharat Inde Indian Intiya
Indigo dye pit reflecting workers.
Indigo dye pit reflecting workers.
The Tanneries with view over workers in dye pitsFes African al-Magrib Fez Moroccan North Africa
The Tanneries with view over workers in dye pits Fes African al-Magrib Fez Moroccan North Africa
Couple on horse and cart and Paisii of Hilendar Monument.Equestrian TravelTourismHolidayVacationExploreRecreationLeisureSightseeingTouristAttractionTourBanskoBulgariaBulgarianHotWarmS...
Couple on horse and cart and Paisii of Hilendar Monument. Equestrian Travel Tourism Holiday Vacation Explore Recreation Leisure Sightseeing Tourist Attraction Tour Bansko Bulgaria Bulgarian Hot Warm S...
Couple travelling on horse drawn grass laden cartEquestrian Traveling TravelTourismHolidayVacationExploreRecreationLeisureSightseeingTouristAttractionTourDobarskoBanskoBulgariaBulgarian...
Couple travelling on horse drawn grass laden cart Equestrian Traveling Travel Tourism Holiday Vacation Explore Recreation Leisure Sightseeing Tourist Attraction Tour Dobarsko Bansko Bulgaria Bulgarian...
Potola Palace.  Workers sewing huge Buddha Tankha spread out on floor. thangka
Potola Palace. Workers sewing huge Buddha Tankha spread out on floor. thangka
Workers on factory floor of Volkswagon production plant. Saxony
Workers on factory floor of Volkswagon production plant. Saxony
Line of female workers inside cheroot factory.Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Line of female workers inside cheroot factory. Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Female workers rolling cheroots by hand inside factory workplace.Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Female workers rolling cheroots by hand inside factory workplace. Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Cropped shot of female workers rolling cheroots by hand inside factory workplace.Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Cropped shot of female workers rolling cheroots by hand inside factory workplace. Burma Pegu Bago Myanmar
Workers on salt farm.
Workers on salt farm.
Construction workers next to rock crushing machine.casseurs du pierre
Construction workers next to rock crushing machine. casseurs du pierre