• Results for
    • fortified
  • (173)
Narrow spit of land fortified by rocks with people sunbathing and fishing from it.  Palm tree leaning out over the water in the foreground
Narrow spit of land fortified by rocks with people sunbathing and fishing from it. Palm tree leaning out over the water in the foreground
Raised area of sand fortified by rocks with people sitting on loungers under thatched umbrella with man swimming and wooden jetty in the foreground.
Raised area of sand fortified by rocks with people sitting on loungers under thatched umbrella with man swimming and wooden jetty in the foreground.
View of coastline from the top of the fortified wall with line of cannons.
View of coastline from the top of the fortified wall with line of cannons.
Tully Castle. Ruins of a fortified plantation house dating from 1610 with recently planted early 17th century style formal garden
Tully Castle. Ruins of a fortified plantation house dating from 1610 with recently planted early 17th century style formal garden
Tully Castle. Ruins of a fortified plantation house dating from 1610 with recently planted early 17th century style formal garden
Tully Castle. Ruins of a fortified plantation house dating from 1610 with recently planted early 17th century style formal garden