Spain, Castile and Leon, Avila, Basilica de Santa Teresa de Avila built on the house in which she was born.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Avila, Basilica de San Vicente. where according to legend, Christian martyrs Vicente, Sabina and Cristeta were martyred during the rule of the Roman Emperor Diocletian; their...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Avila, Avila Cathedral tower viewed from the walkway along the interior perimeter of the city walls that were built from 1090 onwards and are among the best-preserved and most...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Avila, City walls with the circular Avila Cathedral built into the walls that were built from 1090 onwards and are among the best-preserved and most complete in Europe.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Entrance to El Colegio de Arzobispo Fonseca also known as The Irish College which housed Irish students who came to Salamanca to escape the religious persecution of...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, El Colegio de Arzobispo Fonseca also known as The Irish College which housed Irish students who came to Salamanca to escape the religious persecution of the Catholi...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Convento de las Duenas which is a Dominican convent built in the 15th and 16th centuries, Salamanca Cathedral seen from the upper cloister.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Convento de San Esteban, Dominican monastery in the Plateresque style built between 1524 to 1610, Cloister de los Reyes or Cloister of the Kings, the Lower Cloister...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Casa de las Conchas or House of the Shells, built from 1493 to 1517 by Rodrigo Arias de Maldonado and decorated with more than 300 shells.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Casa de las Conchas or House of the Shells, built from 1493 to 1517 by Rodrigo Arias de Maldonado and decorated with more than 300 shells.
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, Casa de las Conchas or House of the Shells, built from 1493 to 1517 by Rodrigo Arias de Maldonado and decorated with more than 300 shells, portal with the coat of a...
Spain, Castile and Leon, Salamanca, the monument to Spanish music theorist and organist Francisco de Salinas with La Clerecía Church and Casa de las Conchas behind.